Johnny Theiss
Entertainment's consummate insider, Johnny has managed to parlay a successful career in California politics into his greatest role yet The King of Clubs Las Vegas.
Prior to moving to the Entertainment Capital of the World in 1998, Johnny was the chief of staff to a California state senator, coordinating all of the senator's legislative and political agendas. That 15 year career climaxed with the senators attempt to run statewide as California's lieutenant governor. Upon landing in Sin City, Johnny switched gears and embarked on forging relationships with the cities top hotel and casino bosses as the director of sales and marketing for the Nevada Hotel and Restaurant Association.
Today, those bonds have resulted in the King of Clubs Las Vegas a VIP service dedicated to treating others, as you would like to be treated. When asked what sets the King of Clubs Las Vegas apart from other similar sites, Johnny says, "its all about providing people with the service they deserve. Above all else, this is what has really assisted me with meeting the quality people I have worked with in the past and the ones I work with now."
The King of Clubs Las Vegas prides itself on personal assistance. "We pride ourselves on serving you face to face. Our clients are not going to be placed on a guest list and never heard from again. Our hosts will meet you at the front door of every nightclub, gentlemen's club, restaurant and even help you check into your hotel. Theiss said"
As founding partner to the King of Clubs Las Vegas I really have been fortunate to work with all levels of the Las Vegas hospitality industry. Assisting people coming to this town and helping them better appreciate Las Vegas just as a local does, will truly make the King of Clubs Las Vegas and our guest a perfect match." Theiss concluded.
So now that you've found us, don't hesitate to come calling. As a site that operates on a 100 percent referral base, there's no one like current clients who can attest to the over-the-top time they've had in Americas No. 1 adult playground. For their stories, check out the Our Proof link on this Web site. And, remember, as one client said, "if we can't do it, it probably can't be done."
Welcome to Las Vegas

Ellen Buchanan
Ellen was born and raised in New York City; she went to Stuyvesant High School and then graduated from The University of Michigan.
Ms. Buchanan has extensive international travel experience with family living abroad in Australia, France, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, where she was married. Ellen has had 20 years experience as the Western Regional Manager of a high tech computer software company. Her work there entailed extensive weekly travel, client entertaining, and many trade shows.
Ellen understands exactly what the business client seeks because she has been in that client’s shoes. The consummate event planner, Ellen has hosted RoseBowl tailgates for 300+ attendees, professional athletes’ and coaches’ tours; community breakfasts for 1,000 people, and has worked for congressional and gubernatorial campaigns. Ellen has lived in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Las Vegas, and is now residing in Orange County.

Jeff Schmidt
A native of Southern California and graduate of San Diego State University Jeff (or as his friends and co workers have nicknamed him Schmidty) has lived the ultimate California Dream.
A Night Life Aficionado- Schmidty can be occasionally seen at daytime now and then to take part in his passion for Boating and Snow-Boarding. “ Schmidty” has all the qualities and traits that the King of Clubs Las Vegas (KOCLV) requires in a VIP Host- His outgoing personality and ability to make people feel welcome.
Schmidty has worked in the hospitality industry for a few years now and has learned the industry from the bottom up. In 2006 he left a lucrative corporate job to “ learn the ropes” as a bus-boy/ bar back at Red Circle Nightclub in San Diego. It was during this time that he realized his deep love for and the future business potential in the Hospitality Industry. Although Jeff loved the weather in “ Sunny” San Diego he realized that if he really wanted to reach his ultimate goal the place to be was “ Sin City”. Las Vegas Nevada was calling. With its plethora of multi million dollar dance clubs and young industry professionals Jeff was “ lucky” enough to be offered a job as a Cabana Attendant at the internationally acclaimed pool party “ Rehab” located at the World Famous Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. He quickly became a staple at the pool often doing more than his job required by making friends with the customers as well as assisting them with valuable information for their additional time being spent in Las Vegas.
It was those experiences that lured Schmidty into the high paced world of VIP Services at Body English Night Club at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Learning the intense and rigorous business of Marketing and “ Gorilla Street Promotions”, Jeff quickly learned the “ ins and outs” of what it takes to market a premiere nightclub.
Not being satisfied offering his clients just “ one destination spot at one property” Schmidty jumped into the (unique) world of Independent VIP Services with Las Vegas’ pre-eminent Independent VIP Hosting Company King Of Clubs Las Vegas, LLC. “ Working with the Night Life “ Guru” Johnny Theiss has been a terrific experience and the relationship Johnny has with his staff, vendors, and clients is something very special. Being involved with his company is a privilege, ” Said Jeff. “ I still have to kick myself to think I am getting paid for this? I love every minute of it, ” Schmidty continued.
One final thought from Mr. Schmidt; “ My “ more seasoned” coworkers may have travelled to more countries than I have and been in this business longer than I have- but when it comes to staying up past “ midnight” I got these “ old guys” beat. “ I am often seen carrying my clients out of nightclubs all over town during the wee hours of the morning. I look forward to working with you and for you to make your Vegas experience one truly for the record books. ”
Welcome Aboard Jeff!!!!